The Anableps has two eyes in each eyeball
The anableps is a fish belonging to the family anablepidae with scientific name Cobitis anableps . These fish inhabit fresh and brackish water and are rarely coastal marine. They are native to southern Mexico and northern South America. They mate only on one side, right-"handed" males with left-"handed" females and vice versa. These fish spend most of their time on the surface of water, and here's where their unique eyes come into play. Anableps have two eyes, positioned on the top of the head, and while floating, the lower half of each eye is below the water, while the upper half is above it. The two halves of each eye are separated by a band of tissue. These fish have four pupils connected by a part of the iris. Even the lens changes in thickness top to bottom to account for the difference in the refractive indices of air versus water, enabling these fish to see above and below the water at the same time. This adaptation also helps when the a...
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