Octopi have 3 hearts!

The octopus is a soft-bodied, mollusc of the order Octopoda. About 300 species of octopi have been recognized. The scientific name of the common octopus is Octopus vulgaris. Octopi are extremely agile and can squeeze through small gaps as they have no hard shell or covering. Octopi can grow up to 16 feet and weigh around 110 lbs.


The octopus has three hearts. One pumps blood through its organs, while the other two pump blood through its gills. What's more, octopus blood it blue as it has a copper-based protein called hemocyanin. When an octopus is swimming, the heart delivering blood to the organs stops beating, hence they prefer to crawl than swim. They swim and respire using a siphon, by expelling a jet of water, propelling their body forward.


Octopi inhabit various regions of the ocean, including coral reefs, swampy waters, and the seabed. They have a complex nervous system and excellent sight, and are among the most intelligent invertebrates. They have an outstanding sense of touch and can taste the substance touched by special receptors on their limbs. They defend themselves by expelling ink through an ink sac and use camouflage and threat displays. All octopi are venomous.


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